Tuesday, November 25, 2008

You and I

You and I

I went through life, meandering,
wondering ...
Where life's road is taking me.
One day up, the other, down,
searching ...
Knowing not my destiny.

All these years you were there ;

committed ...
As was I. Firm boundaries in place.
Then one day, these fences fell,
clattering ...
Leaving us both free to choose.

Now we have choices, yes we do -

unlimited ...
A freedom until now not known.
No demands, no expectations ;
hesitating ...
Could we meet our separate needs ?

You are most wonderful by far, more

exceptional ...
Than anyone I've ever met.
You give, you love, you share -
unique ...
Could this be it for both of us ?

You are kind, loving and warm ;

unselfish ...
You give so much day by day.
And I receive that warmth from you,
unending ...
Will you tell me what you really feel ?

The days are early - we have time ;

contemplating ...
About what's important to us both.
If we were meant for one another,
forever ...
Will all be revealed in time to come ?

Regardless of the signs right now,

promising ...
We will soon know if it's for real.
We both need time to heal and grow ;
recovering ...
Before embracing that new tomorrow !

But while we share this journey dear,

together ...
Let's enjoy what's ours to share.
Let's be gentle with each other,
loving ...
And enjoy what fate has sent our way !

I love you angel, that you know ;

Sabrina ...
You are such a perfect mate !
I would take you as my own,
tomorrow ...
If I knew you felt the same.

Friendship, love, respect and trust,

cemented ...
Solidly in place for both of us.
A foundation under construction ;
solid ...
For you, for me, our little ones.

You and I,

Please Lord !
Just let it be.

- by Peter Bester

Happy Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah, Love Expert Reveals The 300 Creative and Inexpensive Date Ideas That People Are Using To Leave Great Impressions, Rekindle Relationships and Have More Fun ! Check it out here ...

You ...

You ...

When I think of you,
so many emotions run through my mind.
When I don't hear from you,
so many concerns tear at me.

Like a mighty waterfall, fierce and thundering
a deafening roar -
spray enveloping everything around.
So am I surrounded by you.

Like a babbling brook,
slipping quietly over pebbles
gently flowing, gurgling.
Such is the peace you give to me.

Like a gentle breeze,
cooling a heated brow
caressing fevered skin.
So you calm my heart.

Like a summer sky,
glimmering sun warming the earth
shining its light around.
So you warm my soul.

Like the birds in the trees,
singing their happy songs
for all to hear.
So your voice cheers me.

Like a rose,
petals opening to release
it's fragrance.
So your smile thrills me.

Like a precious gem,
glowing, polished, rare
admired by all who see it.
So your eyes inspire me.

Like the summer grasses,
waving gently in the breeze
inviting, fragrant, soft.
So you hair invites my touch.

Like a rare parchment,
fine and smooth to touch
finely woven, a work of art.
So your skin delights me.

Like the pulse of Africa,
ever present, powerful
a phenomenon unseen.
So your heart attracts me.

Everything you are
everything you do
each act of kindness
each look
each touch
every smile
every word
all combine to make me
love you more each day.

- by Peter Bester

Happy Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah, Love Expert Reveals The 300 Creative and Inexpensive Date Ideas That People Are Using To Leave Great Impressions, Rekindle Relationships and Have More Fun ! Check it out here ...

My Heart Cries

My Heart Cries

My heart cries, but you don’t hear it.
My heart breaks, but you don’t feel it.
My body longs to feel your arms around me.
My lips long to feel your kisses.
My ears long to hear you say I love you.
My eyes long to see your smile and eyes twinkle.
My life longs to have you in it.
My world longs to have you make it complete.
My body longs to feel you lie next to it.
My love longs to have you return it.
My heart will cry, my heart will break.
My body will go limp, my lips will only speak.
My ears will miss your words, my eyes will shed tears.
My life will be so lonely, my world will be so empty.
My love will go unreturned.
My heart aches as my life is turned inside out.
My mind will never forget, my heart will never let go.
I have loved you since the day I met you
But now my heart cries, and you don’t hear it.

- by Kelly Gray

Happy Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah, Love Expert Reveals The 300 Creative and Inexpensive Date Ideas That People Are Using To Leave Great Impressions, Rekindle Relationships and Have More Fun ! Check it out here ...

Music by the Moon

Music by the Moon

If I could hold you close

When the dark abides,

And your eyes behold

At the break of light,

I'd write music by the moon

And songs by the sun,

And their melody and tune

Would ring you're the one.

- by Sandra Holder

Happy Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah, Love Expert Reveals The 300 Creative and Inexpensive Date Ideas That People Are Using To Leave Great Impressions, Rekindle Relationships and Have More Fun ! Check it out here ...

Why Men Hate to Commit to Women ?

Why Men Hate to Commit to Women ?

Now if your man is having a hard time committing to you, he may be doing so because of one of these reasons :

1. ) He is having all the benefits of being in a romantic relationship without having to commit to you. So if you are giving him all of you without him being fully committed to you for the long haul, you offer to him with a situation where he can’t see tangible reason to take that next step forward since he is getting you free of charge.

2. ) He is concern that what happened to his parents might happen to him so he is being extra careful. Some men want to be in love, but when they remember what happened to their parents — divorce — they get frighten.

3. ) They have not finished sowing their wild oats and committing to you one hundred percent will prevent them from getting their groove on.

4. ) You are not quite what they really want. They are happy being with you, but they not sure if you are exactly what they are searching for. It does not mean that you are up to standard for them ; it is just mean that you do not fit the type of woman they are searching.

For example — some men want wild in bed — a woman with a high sex drive. If you meet their expectations in all the other aspects of life and you just short of the high sex drive they want their future partner to have, they may not want to go into a long term relationship with you.

5. ) You are not challenging them enough. They see you as someone they can pretty much tell anything and get what they want. Men are looking for women they need to work hard to keep.

6. ) You may have some problems with your weight that they may not be very happy with. Sure they may seem to enjoy your company, but the weight issue could be keeping them from turning you the woman of their dreams. Most men are simply concern of the fact that their woman may have the kind of weight that will end up turning them off down the road.

7. ) If you have no ambition or goals, some men will not want to commit to you. If they sense that you are not the type that will contribute to the financial well-being of their home, they will not be very motivated to be with you for the long term.

8. ) You have a tendency to want to control them. If a man sense that you are the [type that will end up wanting to control their life that man is not going to be romantically involved with you for the long haul. He will end up keeping you long enough for him to find someone that will let him be himself.

9. ) He may be in the middle of trying to move onto another relationship that he is working on. While he is trying to make sure that the other woman is the one he desire, he will keep you waiting — he will not be with you.

10. ) If a man sees that you are a big flirt, he will not commit to you. Why ? Well, no man is going to be in a relationship with a woman who cannot control their flirtatious ways with other men.

So there you go, men have tons of reasons why they may not want to commit to women. So if you are not getting the kind of commitment you want from your man, then you need to either change certain things you are doing, or simply let him know what you want and if he does not act on it, then move on.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah, Love Expert Reveals "1000 Questions For Couples" that there are hundreds of fun "getting to know you" questions but there are also important questions that most people don't even think of asking but are absolutely necessary if you want to have a happy relationship. Check out here ...

Get Your Man Committed - Dating Advice For Women

Get Your Man Committed - Dating Advice For Women

Nothing can be more frustrating than being in a relationship for a long time and never talk about marriage. if your man won’t commit, you might start to think if you are wasting your time. Although it is true that a lasting relationship may not need to include marriage, but if you are looking forward to having kids, or a stronger bond can be created through marriage, then a trip to the altar is something you need to do.

Men often tells you that there is nothing you can do to change the mind of a commitment phobic. That isn’t always true. There is always something you can do to make a man suddenly decide he wants to marry you.

If your man don’t commit, the very last thing you need to do is to nag at him. A man won’t simply decide he wants to marry the woman he love because she keep going on and on about it. In fact, your constant nagging make him more convince in his decision of not marrying you.

One of the best thing any woman can do to make a man commit is to stop bringing the subject up. Men expect to be bombarded by questions on where his relationship is headed. If you don’t bring the subject up, he will be thinking more and more about it.

Another great approach to take if your man doesn’t commit is to make yourself less accessible. One of the issues of long term relationship where there seem to be no commitment is how woman seem to be available. When a woman is always available and willing to adapt to meet her boyfriend’s schedule she’s silently telling him that his needs are more important than hers.

A great test of a man’s true feelings is to make yourself scarce for a few days or weeks. Plan a trip with your girlfriend and when you are out of town, try not to contact your man too often. You want to create a senario where he will start missing you when you are away. It’s that longing to see you that will push him to want to be together with you permanently.

So start testing your man and get him committed.

Do you have any insights to share? Feel free to leave a comment or two. Happy relationship!

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah, Love Expert Reveals The 300 Creative and Inexpensive Date Ideas That People Are Using To Leave Great Impressions, Rekindle Relationships and Have More Fun ! Check it out here ...

9 Signs of Poor Communication in a Relationship

9 Signs of Poor Communication in a Relationship

68% of the couples that seek counseling state that poor communication is the major stumbling block to a relationship. Apparently, average couples communicate for only 5 minutes a day, yet communication is the most important part of a relationship. Once we stop communicating, stop being affectionate or stop making love, we no longer have a relationship. Yes, its true that there are many couples who lack these three ingredients and are still together, as two very unhappy individuals.

Communication is not just verbal. It include every message, feelings and thoughts that we convey through eye contact, emotion or body language. The secret of effective communication is to know how to avoid the harmful interactions.

Poor communicators tend to debate about an issue or discussion, blame one another in order to boost their egos and find scapegoats. Everything to them is a competition and they are more interested in being right than a successful relationship. They perceive themselves as smart and knowledgeable and never tend to give an inch to others, consistently demand their own right of way. They are not focused on the relationship they share, only on the arguments, tending to be secretive, self righteous and in denial, so conditions are always tense as they compete for control.

To them, the important is ‘who win’ and ‘who is right or wrong’ without being sensitive to others’ feelings or fears. For them, there is only and ever one way of doing things - their way. No one else method is valid or ever accepted.

Characteristics of poor communicators :


They usually have alot to critise, put down or blame for their partner. The trouble with blame is that it keep us focus on their partner and not able to see or aceept our own fault.


Neither partner will care about each other. Both are busy defending themselves from the blame or put down and getting their own point across.


Poor communicators are usually the ones who think that they are ’sane’, ‘reasonable’ and ‘caring’.

Denial of Discussion

They response to criticism in a defensive manner, constantly denying and making excuses. They even blame their partner for being ‘emotional’, ’stupid’ or ‘mad’.

Biased Perception

Usually, individual perceptions are biased, distorted or contradictory. They are also more likely to be exaggerated and angry instead of compromise.

Straying from the issues

They tend to stray from the main issue and put the blame on their partner. Sometimes adding insults and complains without adding anything constructive.

Mind Reading

They tend to ‘mind read’ or ‘psychoanalyze’ their partner. Usually, it comes together with rolling of eyes, mocking or interrupting constantly.

Holding Out

Poor communicators have great determination to hold out and never ‘give in’ until they win. Usually it ends with alot of anger or dead silence.


When the attacks get too much, or when they hear something they do not like, there is likely to be no response. Instead poor communicators withdraw from the situation in a self-righteous way ( stonewalling ), preventing any kind of discussion or resolution.

Now that you have learn about some tell tale signs of a poor communicator, check to see if you are the one who is poor in communication or is it your partner?

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah, Love Expert Reveals "1000 Questions For Couples" that there are hundreds of fun "getting to know you" questions but there are also important questions that most people don't even think of asking but are absolutely necessary if you want to have a happy relationship. Check out here ...

Why Does Relationship Break Up ?

Why Does Relationship Break Up ?

Relationship break-ups have their own reasons, and each are different, to be considered on a case by case basis. The essentials of a relationship are love, time spent together, commitment, loyalty and a little bit of compromise. It takes two to clap. So in a good relationship, both will have to commit to the relationship. Once any factor is missing from at least one party, the relationship may start to break.

A new relationship is as delicate as a plant. Efforts and time must be spent so that it can grow. And once the relationship matures, it will be a strong one that will be difficult to break from external sources. At that stage love is very strong, and both are fully aware how deep each other’s love is.

No one can try to separate them, and the love lasts even if they have to be separated by long distances. Such a love is strong. It is called true love, and sadly not everyone can claim to achieve it.

A new relationship needs a lot of time. You have to spend a lot of time with each other, to know what each other like and dislikes, and to know how they would like to be loved. The deeper the understanding, the stronger the love will be. Deep understanding takes a lot of time spent together, and a lot of communication.

Before you even start a new relationship, think of how much time you are going to spend on it. All relationships should be taken seriously and you must be willing to sacrifice time to spend with your partner. The amount of time you are willing to spend have to be long term.

Know that for any healthy relationships, inputs will have to come from both sides. It’s perfectly alright that the man initiates most of them, but the woman will have to commit too. The relationship should be seen as a mutual contribution instead of a one-sided solo project.

The above tips followed properly would ensure a healthy relationship. It may be difficult to agree with yourself to commit at first but once that period of struggling is over, you will learn to swim in the river of love.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : The World's Most Romantic Man Reveals How To Help You Bring Back The Love of Your Life - In 3 Simple Steps ... Get It Here.

The Art of Body Language

The Art of Body Language

Body language is a powerful communication tool. Someone who knows how to read them sees intentions more clearly than words can do. Women are better used to this language than men and they do it quite skilfully.

The more eye contact the woman makes with the target, the more she shows interest. When the woman looks at the man directly, and the man catches her doing it, she will lower her eyes and smile indicating interest, happiness and embarrassment that he caught her stare. This is a sure sign of attraction.

Conversely, if a man looks at the woman, and she looks away or any some other things like ceiling and walls, that is a definite sign of disinterest. It’s good to know that eye movements show a lot.

The hands can send various clear messages. Hands open convey that the woman is open to him. Starting any conversation will be good. She may also touch him “accidentally” to convey interest. Psychology can help us get deeper into that. On the other hand, hands which are closed or not shown, shows signs of lack of interest.

As we know, posture conveys a lot about a person. An open posture shows that the person is comfortable in his/her own skin and is an open person. Turning towards the man she is talking with and leaning forward shows interest. She may also cross then uncross her legs, tilt her head slightly. These, too, are signs of interest. If she crosses her arms, hold her drink high in front of her or turns her body away, it’s time to move on because it shows either insecurity of her or merely signs of certain disinterest.

A good way to build rapport is to mirror the other person’s body movements. By doing so, we are trying to sync with the other person, and make us feel like we are similar. This is a good way to build attraction, because the person will feel close to you. As mentioned above, good eye contact is necessary. But avoid fidgety movements because it shows insecurity.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah, Love Expert Reveals The 300 Creative and Inexpensive Date Ideas That People Are Using To Leave Great Impressions, Rekindle Relationships and Have More Fun ! Check it out here ...

101 Romantic Things You Can Do With Your Spouse - Part #1

101 Romantic Things You Can Do With Your Spouse - Part #1

I believe romance is something most couple lack, especially after a few years of courtship. Therefore, I intent to focus more on romantic ideas in this blog hoping to spice up your love life. Lets begin with a list of romantic things that you can do with your life partner. It will be a long list, thus I have broken up into 2 parts. It will be something you wanted, and I believe it’s going to be well worth it.

#1 - Watch the sunset together.

#2 - Take showers together.

#3 - Back rubs/massages.

#4 - Listen to classical music and cuddle in the dark or with blacklight.

#5 - French Kiss.

#6 - Hold your wife with hands inside the back of her shirt.

#7 - Whisper to each other.

#8 - Cook for each other.

#9 - Skinny dip ( discreetly ).

#10 - Make out in the rain.

#11 - Dress each other.

#12 - Undress each other.

#13 - Kiss every part of your wife’s body.

#14 - Hold hands.

#15 - Sleep together. ( Actually sleep with each other ... not sex )

#16 - One word ... Foreplay.

#17 - Sit and talk.

#18 - Buy gifts for each other.

#19 - Roses.

#20 - Wear your lifemate’s favorite cologne/perfume every time you’re together.

#21 - Wear your husband’s clothes.

#22 - Find a nice secluded place to lie and watch the stars.

#23 - Incense/candles/oils/blacklights and music make for great cuddling/sex.

#24 - Kiss at every chance you get.

#25 - Don’t wear underwear and let them find out.

#26 - Kinky is bad ... Blindfolds are good.

#27 - Lightly kiss their collarbone and their jawbone just below the ear, then whisper “I love you”.

#28 - Bubble baths.

#29 - Go for a long walk down the beach at midnight.

#30 - Make love.

#31 - Write poetry for each other.

#32 - Kiss and smell your wife’s hair.

#33 - Hugs are the universal medicine.

#34 - Say “I love you”, only when you mean it and make sure they know you mean it.

#35 - Give random gifts of flowers/candy/poetry, etc ...

#36 - Tell your wife that she’s the only girl you ever want. Don’t lie.

#37 - Spend every second possible together.

#38 - Tell your wife that she doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to. And mean it.

#39 - Look into each other’s eyes.

#40 - Very lightly push up your wife’s chin, look into her eyes, tell her you love her, and kiss her lightly.

#41 - Talk to each other using only body language and your eyes.

#42 - When in public, flirt with each other.

#43 - Walk behind your wife and put your hands in her front pockets.

#44 - Put love notes in your lifemate’s pockets when they aren’t looking.

#45 - Clothes are no fun.

#46 - Buy your wife a ring.

#47 - Keep something special of your wife’s/your husband’s somewhere where you see it everyday.

#48 - Sing to each other.

#49 - Read to each other.

#50 - PDA = Public Displays of Affection.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : One of the biggest challenges couples in long-term relationships face is trying to keep their lovemaking red, hot and steamy. Early on in a relationship, the passion and newness of your lovemaking is always unforgettable; but, as that initial magic fades, it becomes harder to make things exciting again. Learn more over here ...

Are You Balding ? How Can You Find a Date ?

Are You Balding ? How Can You Find a Date ?

Balding is a common sign in our society. As our hair is part of our features, they can contribute to our dating success as well. While a lot of women make it a point that they only date men with healthy-looking hair, balding men do find their suitors too. The measure of a man is not solely his hair or his face for that matter, but the entire package ; personality, dressing style, communication skills and of course feelings.

Look at Matsumoto Hitoshi, a famous comedian of Japan. He is bald, but the people love him. Bald man can be interesting, humorous, charismatic, fine-looking and pleasant, like Matsumoto. In fact, Matsumoto can put many men to shame when it comes to being likeable. So neither society nor the bald man should look too deeply into the hair problem.

Still, there are some women who only like guys with a lot of hair. It is merely a matter of preference, thus calling them shallow amounts to over-generalization. Some associate hair loss to illness and while it may be true for a very small minority, balding is as common a sign of age as wrinkles. Other factors to contribute to balding will be diet, lifestyle, genetics, and daily care, the right use of hair products and a bit of luck. As with all other issues, different societies feel balding very differently. Some have already seen it as common and trivial.

Then so, why are balding men still losing out ? One of the reasons is it may be seen as unhealthy to lose hair. Therefore, with that concept in mind, the woman will find it hard to accept the man’s courtship. This is the most common reason. The other may be more obvious : they have mediocre personalities like the rest of the loveless men. Therefore, it takes some luck along with a good personality.

If one is bald and has a good character, then he deserves a woman that loves him just like the other men. The largest obstacle is probably the confidence. Any attitude will show on your face, whether it’s good or bad, or whether you know it or not. A bald man who feels insecure needs to read up on confidence and the philosophies of life, and get the truth that life and dove is not all about hair. Date confidently and be comfortable about yourself and this will show on your face. Confidence does makes a difference in physical appearance too, and it’s more obvious than we think.

However, if a bald man should attempt to date a new woman and the woman has started to show disinterest without even knowing his personality, then it’s time to move on. After all, perception is a difficult subject and we cannot force ours on everyone, even if it is closer to truth.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah, Love Expert Reveals The 300 Creative and Inexpensive Date Ideas That People Are Using To Leave Great Impressions, Rekindle Relationships and Have More Fun ! Check it out here ...