Friday, December 5, 2008

The Greatest Money Making Asset That Will Make You A Fortune

The Greatest Money Making Asset That Will Make You A Fortune

So what is this one asset that all of us already have at our disposal ?

No, it's not your double degree, MBA or PhD. from the best universities. And no, it's not the inheritance the 'lucky' get from rich dad, rich uncle or rich grandma to kick-start their business.

No, this asset is so powerful that it will not just give you a 4%return like the bank or even a 20% return which you would expect from the stock market. This asset has the potential to give you infinite returns. In fact, it can, if passionately developed, give you a 1000% return on your time investment.

This asset is your mind, also known as your intellectual asset !

When you invest time and money to expand your knowledge and skills, especially your financial education, it will return you millions of dollars in income streams for the rest of your life !

In the past, the majority of a company's assets were made up of physical stuff like machinery, plant, equipment and land. You would value a company by adding up the book value of all its fixed assets. Today, over 90% of a company's value is in its intellectual assets !

Look at Google, Microsoft, Nike, Berkshire Hathaway or Ebay. They are worth billions of dollars and generate hundreds of millions of dollars a year and yet they hardly own much physical assets.

If you were to add up the total value of their factories, bank account, inventories and office equipment, it would make upless than 5% of what the company is worth. In fact, Nike doesn't even own many factories. The wealth of these companies lie in the ideas of the people working there.

The same thing goes for you ! Over 90% of your wealth is not what you have in your wallet or in the bank, it is the ideas that you have in your head !

In the information age of today, one great idea can be worth a billion dollars. That was how a kid in blue jeans with no money, working out of his adopted parent's garage could become a multi-millionaire at age 25 ( Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computers ).

So, whatever your passion and purpose, start activating your greatest asset and learn precisely how to create, control, multiply and manage your wealth.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : To find out more the Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires and how you can build a million-dollar net worth starting from scratch, simply visit this website.

Use 'Must' Language to Succeed in Life !

Use 'Must' Language to Succeed in Life !

Just by listening to the words people use, you can tell how truly committed they are to achieve a certain result. You can tell if there is any power and conviction behind what they say. And you can tell straight away the people who will eventually succeed and those who won't.

For example, if someone says, 'I would like to finish this project by today' and someone else says, 'I must finish this project by today.' Who would you bet your money on ?

The words we use represent the way we frame the thoughts in our mind. If you observe and pay attention to the most charismatic and influential leaders like ( the late ) Martin Luther King, Lee Kwan Yew, Bill Clinton, they consistently use the word 'must' in their speeches rather than 'should' or 'could'.

Similarly, the words we use on ourselves will impact how were present something in our minds. When we use certain words like 'should', 'would like' or 'wish', we hardly get a sense of conviction or urgency.

These words do not compel us to take immediate action. The next time you are putting off doing something or feel like giving up halfway, pay attention to the words that are firing off in your mind. I bet you it would be a 'I could ...' or a 'I wish ...'

I want you to begin noticing that every time you take action, it is because the word 'must' is firing off in your mind. Like when your assignment, report or quote is due tomorrow morning and you have not done a thing and it's already midnight.

You see, words evoke different emotions within us. Instead of allowing the 'must' to come when it is too late, you can consciously begin controlling the words you use on yourself and others to invoke a powerful response in their actions.

So start using 'must' and it will get you what you want.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : If You Are Ready To End Your Confusion About How True Lifetime Success Is Created And Discover The Secret That Will Guarantee The Success You Deserve In Life, Simply Visit Success With NLP.

Action To Achieve Whatever You Want !

Action To Achieve Whatever You Want !

In the Ultimate Success Formula, say that once you get clear on what you want, you have to develop a strategy and start taking action, consistent action every single day.

And when you take action, two things can happen. Number one, you will achieve your goals, you move towards your goals, or you get feed back, which you will then use to change your strategy and keep taking action again and again until you get what you want.

So, the key to getting results is really in taking action. In fact, if you look at Ultimate Success Formula, the one thing that most people do not do is that they do not take action.

The results you are experiencing in your life right now are truly determined by the past actions you have taken. If you are experiencing great results right now, it is because in the past you have taken the actions. You took the action on making the calls, managing your time, following through and learning from your mistakes.

At the same time, if right now you are experiencing average results, or below average results, it is because you have either not taken the necessary action or did so, but soon gave up. You did not make those calls consistently. You never followed through. You said you would do it, but you do not do it. You did not consistently execute your plans. Or worse still, you did not even plan at all.

You can set all your goals, you can come out with all your great plans, but if you do not act on those plans consistently, nothing ever happens. Where as when you take action, even if you use the wrong strategy, pretty soon, by taking enough action, you will find a way on how to get it done. And, so we say that actions produce results.

Take action today !

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : To find out more the Patterns Of Excellence and how you can use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to take charge of your life, visit here ...

How to Achieve Anything You Want !

How to Achieve Anything You Want !

Why is it that so few people are willing to keep changing and taking action until they get what they want ? Why do so many people quit along the way ?

Worse still, why do some people even procrastinate in initiating action ? The reason is that while everybody desires to succeed, only a few are truly COMMITTED to their goals.

For most people, having more money, more freedom, more security and more success is a desire. They think it would really be great to have it. But they can live without it, if they had to. As a result, they never take action as something more important always comes up to fill up their time.

When a goal is nothing more than a feeble desire or a wish, you will find yourself being held back by setbacks, frustration and failures.

People whose goals are nothing more than desires will only do whatever is within their comfort zone to achieve it.

Beyond that, they will give themselves all kinds of excuses for not doing it. As a result, they will never do whatever it takes to get what they want.

There was once a financial advisor had been in the business for five years and had attended many seminars and read many books on sales and success.

Right from the start, he had set goals to achieve the Million Dollar Round Table, which represents the top 6% of advisors in the world.

However, he couldn't understand why he never got close to the mark, despite working 'so hard'. He was then given him a whole list of action steps and strategies he had to put in place to increase his sales. He was told that he needed to make 20 cold calls a day, attend two networking functions a week, invest in impressive looking brochures, spend his nights targeting night shift workers ( who area big untapped segment ), spend his weekends presenting seminars and organizing road-shows with side walk surveys. He was also told to upgrade his product knowledge skills every month.

By doing all these things was going to stretch him well beyond his comfort zone. He was not prepared to give up his weekends ; he was not prepared to spend some late nights prospecting nor was he willing to invest money in brochures & upgrade his skills.

He started coming out with excuses like 'I don't have the time', 'I don't have the money', ' I don't like reading', 'I've never done it before', 'It's too much work' and so on.

He would use even one of the techniques that suggested, even though he knew that it was a proven formula with many others who had worked with. This man is typical of those who set goals but are not prepared to do whatever it takes.

Unfortunately, most people are like that ; they are not willing to do what it takes to become successful. And because of that they never will be. Success doesn't happen by chance, you must do the necessary before you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.

If you understand this and apply it in your life, you will among the top 5% of people who make success a must and therefor receive in abundance everyday.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : If You Are Ready To End Your Confusion About How True Lifetime Success Is Created And Discover The Secret That Will Guarantee The Success You Deserve In Life, Simply Visit Success With NLP.

Be Very Specific About Your Goal

Be Very Specific About Your Goal

The first step to getting what you want is to know exactly what it is that you want. This sounds simple and obvious enough ? Yet, sadly most people never seem to get what they want, simply because they are not clear about what it is they want in the first place !

Unless you have a specific target, you cannot develop an effective strategy to get there. The strategy required to make $200,000 is completely different from the strategy needed to make $20 million.

The moment you clarify your goals, see them in your mind-eye ( it's called creative visualization ) you will start to have focus in your life. It will then become crystal clear to you what it is you must do to get there.

Biographies of the most successful and legendary people, again in all pursuits, show time and again that their outstanding achievements are rarely outcomes of chance. They did not have success thrust onto them.

Their phenomenal successes are the results of clearly defined outcomes that they had predetermined, and worked towards unwaveringly, often at a very early stage of their life.

At the age of eight, Tiger Woods set his goal of breaking every record set in golf and to become the world's number one golfer. He accomplished this feat 13 years later at the age of 21. How ?

He spent those fourteen years focusing on his game in order to take it to the level he needed in order to be the best.

At the age of 12, Steven Spielberg knew that what he wanted to do was to tell stories to the world by making movies. It was this specific goal that directed him to spend his time making home videos at the age of 12 and exposing himself to movie sets at universal studios at the age of 18.

It was these years of focused effort that allowed him to build the level of experience and skill he needed to make some of the best movies around.

Very few successful experiences happen by chance ... whether it is winning a race or a position. Almost all happen by design. Yet, the sad fact is that most people do not have a plan for their lives, and end up falling into somebody else's plan.

It's only when we know what we want very specifically that we are then able to focus all our talents and energy.

Like a laser beam honing in on its target. And in moving unwaveringly towards it, we develop the resources necessary to make it happen. Wherever you are in your life right now, you must begin to set specific goals on what you want to achieve in the different areas of your life.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : If You Are Ready To End Your Confusion About How True Lifetime Success Is Created And Discover The Secret That Will Guarantee The Success You Deserve In Life, Simply Visit Success With NLP.

Welcome To The World Of Investing !

Welcome To The World Of Investing !

Do you wonder how you can ever make your first million without quitting your fixed salaried job ?

Have saved up a tidy sum of money with no idea how to make it grow ? Are you looking for ways to build an additional source of income from home ?

If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, you will be amazed at what the world of investing can do for you !

Short-term investment strategies can provide you a way of generating an additional source of monthly income to eventually even replace the income you earn from your full time job.

The great thing about investing is that you could also potentially build a million-dollar net-worth while earning an average income from a fixed salaried job.

And if you are already making a high income as a high-flying senior executive or as a business owner, investing can help you multiply your wealth even faster.

I believe the ability to invest is one of the most powerful skills you can ever learn in your life ! Unless you learn how to consistently save and let your money work hard for you, you will never be able to build the wealth to provide the security and freedom that your family deserves.

This is why so many intelligent and highly educated people end up broke and frustrated after years of hard work, even in high paying jobs.

Just relying on that paycheck every month may not be able to build the financial dreams that you desire. Start to focus on other ways in which you can multiply your income passively and you will no doubt be on your way to achieving your financial goals much faster !

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : To find out more the Secrets Of Millionaire Investors and how you can build a million-dollar net worth by investing in the stock markets, simply visit here ...

The Way Millionaires Really Live

The Way Millionaires Really Live

Many people have the wrong idea about what being a millionaire is all about. Many also equate instant gratification with happiness.

They believe that millionaires live lavish lifestyles and all that self-indulgence brings lasting happiness.

Well, from my research and my own observations of the many self-made multi-millionaires, i find that most self-made, sustainable millionaires DO NOT live this way.

What does sustainable mean ? It means a person whose millions of dollars will last a lifetime and not just a couple of years.

Officially, Bill Gates is ranked as the richest man in the world with a net worth of $46 billion. Unofficially, figures put IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad as the world's richest with a net worth of $53 billion.

One of the reasons he managed to accumulate so much money is because of his frugal nature. Up to today, it is said that Kamprad flies economy, drives an old Volvo and even waits until the afternoon to buy his fruits and vegetables, when the prices drop significantly.

If he were alive today, Sam Walton ( 1918-1992 ), founder of Wal-Mart would be the richest man in the world with an estimated net worth of $90 billion.

If you take a look at Forbes list of the ten richest people in the world, five of them are the Waltons who inherited their money from Sam. How did this once poor farm boy accumulate so much wealth ?

Again, he was well known for sharing rooms during business trips to save money, flying only economy and wearing clothes from his own discount store.

Another fascinating example is Warren Buffett, officially ranked the second richest man in the world today with a net worth of $42 billion. Even with all this money, it's said that Warren will not buy a brand new car as he thinks it's just not worth the money.

Back in the '60s, Warren remarked that if he spent $20,000 on a new car, it would be worth little or nothing in ten years, He also knew that he could achieve a 25% annual compounded return on his $20,000 if he were to invest it.

Going by this return, investing $20,000 would bring him $158,518 in ten years, $1.26 million in twenty years and $9.96 million in thirty years ... he figured that $9.96 million was just too much to waste on a car !

When many people learn of this frugal trait of millionaires they often think to themselves, 'Why make all this money if you cannot enjoy it ?'

Well, here's the answer, most millionaires get their joy and fun not from spending money but from doing what they love to do ! To them, money is just a means of measuring their success.

This is why, even with all the money in the world, they still work hard to build their businesses and empire. This is because they are driven by passion for what they do and a sense of mission.

If spending money brings you enjoyment, you will never be rich. However if making money brings you enjoyment, then your wealth is guaranteed.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Discover The Exact Methods You Need To Create Financial Success ... Without Having To Turn Your Life Upside Down To Get It ! Get The Millionaire-Book here ...

The True Definition of Wealth

The True Definition of Wealth

Before you can be truly wealthy, you must first know what wealth really means. Again, many people think that a person's wealth is defined by how much he earns, by the clothes he wears, by the house he lives in and by the way he lives. We now know that this is not at all true.

A person's wealth is actually defined by how long a period of time he/she can sustain their lifestyle if they stop working. The longer you can go on living your life without working another day, the richer you actually are.

Your wealth is therefore defined by three things :
1. ) your monthly expenses
2. ) your liquid assets
3. ) your passive income

Your liquid assets refer to how much cash or cash equivalents ( like stocks, bonds & fixed deposits ) you have to pay for your monthly expenses.

Your passive income refers to income that you will continue to receive even after you stop working. This could include interest, dividends, royalties and profits from a business.

Let's look at an example. Steve is a director in a multi-national company and earns a $20,000 monthly salary. He lives a lavish lifestyle that results in personal and household expenses a month of $18,000.

He hasn't really saved much over the years as he has spent any surplus upgrading his house and car. His liquid assets are just under $18,000. Besides his full time job, he has no other sources of income.

What is Steve's level of wealth ? Well, if he stops working today, his $18,000 will last him for just a month. So his wealth is one month's salary. As you can see, wealth is defined not by the absolute amount of dollars, but by time.

On the other hand, Susan, a marketing manager in a retail store earns a monthly salary of $5,000 a month but she is much wealthier than Steve. How is this so ?

Well, over the last 20 years, Susan has diligently saved 20% of her income and invested it in the right stocks and mutual funds that have given her returns of 15% per year.

Over the years, Susan's liquid assets have grown to $1.32 million ( you can verify this with a financial calculator ). In addition, she has spent her free time building up a home based business that sells unique collectibles over the Internet.

Her small business earns her an additional income of $1300 a month. She may not drive a fancy car or wear a Cartier watch, but let's see what her wealth is.

If Susan were to stop working today, she would still retain the$1,300 monthly passive income that her home based business earns her. Since her monthly expenses total $4,000 a month ( 80% of her income ), she would have a net outflow of $3,700 a month.

With her $1.32 million in accumulated savings, she would be able to survive for 30 years ! ( This is assuming that she does not invest the $1.32 million she has prudently saved up !).

If Susan were to put her $1.32 million into a risk-free fixed deposit account earning interest of 4%, it would bring her an additional interest of $52,800 per annum.

This means another source of passive income that rakes in $4,400 a month. So you can see how Susan can very comfortably go on forever without working another day in her life !

Can you now see that your wealth ( i.e net worth) is not determined by how much you earn, rather, it is determined by how much you save and wisely invest.

Even with just a middle class income, you could become a millionaire if you have enough financial intelligence, discipline and patience.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Discover The Exact Methods You Need To Create Financial Success ... Without Having To Turn Your Life Upside Down To Get It ! Get The Millionaire-Book here ...

How Do Set Goals That Become Reality ?

How Do Set Goals That Become Reality ?

All of us know the importance of setting goals. We know that before we can achieve anything, we must first know what we want. It is said that everything is created twice. Only when we first create something in our mind, will it then manifest into our physical reality.

Goals give us a definite direction with which to focus our energieson. Without goals, our decisions and actions will not be directed and we will end up going nowhere. It is when we stay focused on a specific goal, develop an effective strategy and keep taking action, we will eventually realize it.

Then, why is it that so many people do not achieve their goals ? Why have so many people 'tried' goal setting but it has not worked for them ? The answer is because they have not set goals in an effective way.

To most people, mere dreaming and setting of new year's resolution are their idea of goal setting. This just simply does not work. Many people for example, make a new year's resolution to 'lose weight'. When do they check in on the goal ? The following year ! And sure enough, it was not achieved. So what do they do ? They set another new year's resolution and the unsuccessful cycle continues.

To set goals that drive you and give you focus, you must make your goals very specific. Unless you know specifically what it is you want, you cannot develop an effective strategy to reach it. Successful people know exactly what they want in life and if you want to be successful, you must do the same.

Specific goals give you the focus needed to take action. When you know exactly what your goal is, you will know exactly what action is required to get there. So set specific goals for yourself and you will find them manifesting soon enough.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : If You Are Ready To End Your Confusion About How True Lifetime Success Is Created And Discover The Secret That Will Guarantee The Success You Deserve In Life, Simply Visit Success With NLP.

The Biggest Lie Ever Told About Wealth !

The Biggest Lie Ever Told About Wealth !

Why is it that 90% of the population find it so difficult to become rich ? It is because all of us have been told the greatest lie of all, the lie that has been keeping us from becoming rich.

Before you can ever become wealthy, you must first discover the truth about wealth and remove the wool that has been pulled over your eyes for way too long.

Let me start off by asking you to do a simple exercise. I would like you to close your eyes and picture a millionaire in your mind.

Picture the clothes the person is wearing, the car he drives, how he spends his money, how he spends his day and how he dines. Go ahead and do this NOW before you go onto the next paragraph.

Well, what picture came into your mind ?

If you are like most people, you would have pictured a millionaire as someone who wears the latest, branded clothes, who drives the newest luxury car model, who spends lavishly, who dines in fine restaurants and spends on the priciest, choicest dishes and most superb wines.

You may have imagined someone who is relaxing in a cushy leather upholstered armchair in his mansion or yacht, puffing on his Havana cigar. Why is this so ?

It's because of the way we have been brain-washed by television and movies to think this is the way millionaires live and spend their money. It is precisely these beliefs and habits that actually keep us from becoming wealthy !

The truth is that very few self-made millionaires live this way. Infact, the only ones who do live this indolent, self-indulgent lifestyle are the minority of millionaires who either inherited all their wealth or who made their money through sports or entertainment. And all of them usually have one thing in common.

They inevitably end up losing everything within ten years. Their wealth is only temporary. Look at Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson, Bobby Brown and a whole list of other celebrities who made hundreds of millions within their careers. They are either all broke or heavily in debt today.

In the New York Times Best-Selling book 'The Millionaire Next Door', Thomas J. Stanley interviewed 300 self-made American millionaires to find out how they think, how they earn their money and how they spend their wealth. What he discovered was a shocking revelation that made his book an instant best-seller.

It was discovered that many people who had high paying jobs, drove the latest luxury cars and wore the latest designer clothes and who appeared to be have millions to spend, were usually broke with a low personal net worth.

Most of these professionals and senior executives of multi-national companies were what he termed 'Under Accumulators of Wealth ( UAW )'.

In contrast, those who were actual millionaires ( that is those with a net worth of over US$1 million ) lived very frugally and well below their means. Eighty-percent of them were born poor or from middle class families. They wore inexpensive suits and never bought a watch that cost more than S$500.

Most of them drove second hand cars, never bought the latest models of vehicles and they usually invested a minimum of 20% of their income in the stock market or private businesses. He termed these people 'Prodigious Accumulators of Wealth ( PAW )'.

So if creating a million dollar fortune is what you're aiming for, do what the actual millionaires do and you will accumulate wealth faster than the big spenders ever do.

You may download your 7 Steps To Financial Freedom CD over here.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Discover The Exact Methods You Need To Create Financial Success ... Without Having To Turn Your Life Upside Down To Get It ! Check out The Millionaire-Book here ...