Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Special Gift Idea - Your Very Own Ant Farm !

Special Gift Idea - Your Very Own Ant Farm !

What : A hobby popular in Europe, Japan and US. The breeding & keeping of ants.

Many people consider the ant - a pest before thinking of them - as pets. Ants are a big part of ecology and anyone wanting to take the time to build an ant farm soon realizes the socialization of these insects and the role they play.

Ant Workshop determines to help more people understand the importance of how such small creatures can play a big part in many of the world’s ecosystems. With a variety of products such as their newly created and innovative Ant Legend and Ant Dreamworks, they plan to educate both kids and adults about the lifestyles of these small creatures that stealthily but surely form a marvelous insect world.

For an affordable price, Ant Workshop will allow people of all ages to improve their concentration and observation skills, cultivating and developing a healthy interest not only in insects but also the many other parts of nature. It will be especially beneficial to children, encouraging them to learn more about the world they live in, as well as enlarging their pool of knowledge.

One may even be able to discover one’s potential in the process of studying these insects and continue to build on it. Adults will also definitely derive the same amount of enjoyment as children has and gives one the opportunity to escape the daily stress and pressure accumulating on one’s shoulders as one studies and watches in awe how the ants go about their daily business.

With no hassle in feeding or grooming due to the specially created blue gel formulated by Ant Workshop which already contains important multi-nutrients required for the survival of ants, it becomes very convenient to own these great pets. Hence it is very ideal for those who desire a pet who is constantly busy ( with the exception of destroying objects around the house ), thus does not require a lot of attention and does not need to be escorted out of the house for a poo or even needing to be toilet-trained !

Though because of such factors they are so much more convenient, they become less of a companion, but more of a source of fascination at the marvelous achievements of these small creatures. The bottom line is, ants are relatively easy to look after and cheap to feed, compared to other pets such as dogs which have to be effectively trained and well groomed.

While keeping ants have their own benefits over having other pets such as dogs and cats, one may find this peculiar. Contrary to what these people believe, the keeping of ants as pets is becoming more and more of a hobby in Europe.

Some other people may argue that keeping ants may not give one the same satisfaction as one derives from keeping dogs or cats but bear in mind that although ants are meant to be observed and not petted, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t fun to have. They play with each other, work together to carry objects much larger than themselves, and create intriguing tunnel systems.

One of the best things about ants is that you can literally have hundreds of them all living in a little tank right in your bedroom ; your own little civilization, and Ant Workshop is proud to make that happen !!

Do you have a question regarding Ant for pet ? Ask them !

Where : 304, Orchard Road, #03-52 Lucky Plaza, Singapore 238863
When : Mon – Fri 10am – 6pm, Sat 10am – 4pm, Sun 10am – 2pm

Thanks for Reading

Wingcent Ning

Successful & Loving Relationship That Last

Successful & Loving Relationship That Last

Despite the piling evidence that very few romantic relationship is able to pass the test of time, many still strive for a lasting, committed relationship. The problem is, people don’t have a role model to demonstrate how to make a relationship last. Here are the ten "secrets" that are consistently named by relationship expert as guidelines to make a relationship last.

#1 - Love Yourself

It will be hard to understand why someone else will love you if you can’t love yourself. There are many ways to build self-esteem, check out the self-help section in your local bookstores or libraries for books on self-esteem and learn to love yourself. If you find it difficult to follow the techniques given or get the results you wanted, consider consulting a psychologist that can help you get to the root of your self-esteem problem.

#2 - Like Your Significant Others

It is not enough to simply love your partner. You have to truly like who they are. Liking someone means enjoying who that person is.

#3 - Respect Your Partner

Respecting your partner means being honest and open with them. It also means you have to consider their needs, wants and feelings. Usually, if you really like the person, respect will come naturally, even though everyone will be a little selfish sometimes. It is at this time that you need to constantly remind yourself to think of your partner and their feelings.

#4 - Communicate

Being open and honest isn’t always easy. You may find there are times where you don’t want to be honest because you don’t want to hurt your partner’s feelings. Remember that your partner can read your mood and though they may not know why, they can tell if you are enjoying yourself. Communicating with your partner of your needs, wants, likes and dislikes allow them to understand your further and also show that you respect them as a confidant.

#5 - Fight Fair

Sometimes, even with open and honest communication, arguments do happen. Fighting fair when argument do arise allows you to maintain mutual respect in the relationship. Fighting fair means using the “I” statement instead of the “you”. “You” statements are statements of blame and are design to belittle the other party and it doesn’t work towards solving the argument. By using “I” statements, you are able to communicate your point without putting your partner in the defensive.

#6 - Compromise

You and your partner should be like a team working towards common life goals. While most people like to “win” arguments, both of you will come out as “big winners” if you compromise on certain issues. Solutions of compromise will allows both parties to contribute to the relationship and come out stronger.

#7 - Touch Each Other Everyday

Intimacy is a major component in any romantic relationship and while open communication allows you to be intimate on an intellectual level, some other communication do not need words. A touch on the hand, a hug, small gestures can say alot more to your partner than mere words.

#8 - Work At It

Romance is easy. Being a caring and contributing partner take work. People are fairly selfish by nature so most of the time you ought to remind yourself to think of your partner before yourself. It is also important to remember that you need to work on yourself and your contributions to th relationship instead of working towards changing your partner.

#9 - Spend Time Together

Couples that play together stay together. Spend time enjoying things together. Whether it’s taking up a hobby together or having a Sunday morning routine where you chat over a cup of coffee, enjoy each other.

#10 - Spend Time Apart

As important as it is to spend time together, you also need to spend time with yourself. Learning and growing on your own gives your tools to help build a stronger relationship because you can be a stronger contributor to it. However, not all of your time need to be spend on learning or participating in hobbies, sometimes, just by taking an hour out to meditate or soak in the tub can help clear your mind of stress you otherwise will take out on your partner.

Many of the ’secrets’ of lasting relationships aren’t actually secrets at all. Basically, it’s a matter of ensuring that you are with your partner because of who they are and of thinking of your partner before yourself on a regular basis.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the author of 500 Lovemaking Tips, a book full of ways to spice up your lovemaking, adding more passion, pleasure andintimacy to your experience.
To read more, visit here ...

How to Create A Romantic Dinner & Proposal For The Love of Your Life

How to Create A Romantic Dinner & Proposal For The Love of Your Life

Without a great planning and a romantic atmosphere, you may feel that your proposal will fail. Well, this article will give you a clearer perspective of how you may want to handle a romantic dinner and the proposal.

The Planning

Are you going to take her to a snazzy restaurant or are you going to give her a beautiful home cooked dinner ? Planning is everything and a lot of detail should be taken into consideration. Without sufficient planning and a brilliant atmosphere you might feel you have failed to make a big impact on your partner.

The Atmosphere

You need to put thoughts into creating the atmosphere in such a way that the love can be seen or even smell. Choose a restaurant which you might want to employ a band of violinists to bring that extra bit of romance to the table or anything that might already capture a memorable moment. Make sure the location is applicable to your situation. How is it all going to play out. At what moment are you planning to go down on your one knee and ask this important question ?

The Mood

Be sure that your partner is in a good mood. It would be wise to rather cancel the reservation of the expensive restaurant than to take her there while she is in a bad mood. To increase your chances of success, you could send your partner sweet messages through the day like text messages, bouquets of flowers or anything that they might like.

The Proposal

Speak with your heart and love, not with your mouth. Don’t worry if everything comes out a bit twisted or different from your original speech. Practice in front of a mirror and be ready to nail what you want to say.

Write what you want to say on paper including how you feel, how much you love them, how you want to be with them forever and even the possibly of having children together one day. Make sure to do proper preparation for this section of the night because it’s going to be the most important part of the night. With careful detailed preperation and less nervousness, you will be able to capture the heart of your love one.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Here you get it, Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the author of 500 Lovemaking Tips, a book full of ways to spice up your lovemaking, adding more passion, pleasure and intimacy to your experience. To read more, visit here.

12 Romantic Things You can Do to Let Your Man Know You Love Him

12 Romantic Things You can Do to Let Your Man Know You Love Him

Have you been having some problems with finding ways to get to your man’s heart ? Here are 12 romantic things you can do to capture his heart,

read on ...

1. ) They say the way to a man ’s heart is through his stomach. There really is some truth to this. So cook him his favorite dish and serve it his favorite drink. Make sure the mood is right.

2. ) Send him a text message or leave him a voice mail that says that you love him and can ‘t wait to see him.

3. ) Write a love letter and leave it in the clothes that he will wear to work.

4. ) Volunteer to take care of his laundry. Better yet, do it without him asking you.

5. ) If you live together, run his bath water, place scented candles in the bathroom for him.

6. ) Give him a body massage without him asking for it.

7. ) When you are in the car and he is driving, put your hand on his lap, look at him and tell him that you love him.

8. ) Give him a hug and a kiss before you go to work. If you don ‘t live together, drive to his home in the morning and tell grab your hug and kisses — that is if you live close to his home.

9. ) Call him up at work and tell him that you would like to make love to him when he gets home from work tonight.

10. ) Give him a card that coveys how you feel about him. It does not have to be a special occasion for you to give him a nice card.

11. ) Use your lipstick and write “I love you” in the mirror he will use to shave. Don’t forget to plant a kiss on the mirror next to what you have written.

12. ) Apply a fresh lipstick, grab one of his really good pictures, plant a kiss on it and stick it on his refrigerator. Men are very easy to please, and you don’t have to spend much to let the man in your life know that you really love him.

A lot of times, it is the little things that you do for your man that shows that you really love him.

Thanks for Reading
Good luck in love !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the author of 500 Lovemaking Tips, a book full of ways to spice up your lovemaking, adding more passion, pleasure and intimacy to your experience.
To read more, visit here ...

60 Words & Phrases Making Men Fall Deeply In Love With You

60 Words & Phrases Making Men Fall Deeply In Love With You

One of the most interesting thing about being in love is that you are able to get the kind of love you want. If you do not realize, most of the time, the love that one gets is the same kind of love that one gave. When it comes to love, communication is the fuel that fan the flame. The words you chose can make a great difference between a dramatic relationship or one that is blissful and loving. Now that you know, let me share with you the words that men love to hear and upon hearing that, he will love you more.


#1 - Honey
#2 - Sweetheart
#3 - Sweetie
#4 - Baby
#5 - Darling
#6 - Sexy
#7 - Fine
#8 - Handsome
#9 - Stud muffin
#10 - Sugar


#11 - You just make me feel so good.
#12 - You are the best.
#13 - I can’t get enough of you.
#14 - You drive me wild.
#15 - You know me inside and out.
#16 - I love you so much.
#17 - I love you with all my heart and soul.
#18 - You make me laugh.
#19 - You are so funny.
#20 - I love the way you love me.
#21 - I love the way you make me feel.
#22 - I never want you to stop loving me.
#23 - I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.
#24 - You make me feel so special.
#25 - I need you in my life.
#26 - You just made my day.
#27 - I can’t get enough of your hugs and kisses.
#28 - I apologize.
#29 - I promise to love you forever.
#30 - You are the one for me.
#31 - I don’t need anyone else in my life.
#32 - You are more than enough for me.
#33 - Marry me and make me the happiest woman.
#34 - I have always loved you and will always love you.
#35 - I miss you so much.
#36 - I am so lonely without you.
#37 - My life is empty without you.
#38 - I can’t wait to see you.
#39 - I want to be with you forever.
#40 - I love the way you hold me.
#41 - It kills me to know that you will be gone for a long time.
#42 - I feel like I am dreaming when I am with you.
#43 - I have never been loved like this before.
#44 - I’d love to wake up next to you forever.
#45 - It hurts me so much to see you this way.
#46 - If I can’t be with you, then I don’t want to be with anyone else.
#47 - I am not waiting for a knight in shining armor - mine has already arrived.
#48 - If your kisses were wishes I would make a 1000 wishes.
#49 - Life has never been better since you came into my life.
#50 - I can’t believe we have been together for so long. I guess time flies when you are having fun.
#51 - I will go to the ends of the world for you.
#52 - Life without your love is a life I’d rather not live.
#53 - I love the way you look at me.
#54 - I trust you with all my heart.
#55 - Thank you for all you have done for me.
#56 - The words “I love you” are not enough to express how I feel about you.
#57 - I can’t find the words to express how you make me feel.
#58 - You make me feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world.
#59 - Just being with you is enough for me to have a great time.
#60 - You don’t have to say a word for me to feel your love.

Life without endearing words is like garden without flowers. Endearing words when spoken transcend sour reality and make life worth living.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : One of the biggest challenges couples in long-term relationships face is trying to keep their lovemaking red, hot and steamy. Early on in a relationship, the passion and newness of your lovemaking is always unforgettable; but, as that initial magic fades, it becomes harder to make things exciting again.Click here to learn more ...

Anatomy of a Kiss

Anatomy of a Kiss

A kiss — the pairing or touching of lips — is typically an expression of affection, greeting or farewell, and intensely as an expression of romantic affection or sexual desire. Parents kiss children, worshippers kiss religious artifacts and couples kiss each other. Kisses take on a number of figurative meanings in folklore, literature, and art, ranging from the betrayal — with Judas’ kiss — to the life-giving symbolism of movies such as The Little Mermaid.

The word comes from Old English cyssan ‘to kiss,’ in turn from coss ‘a kiss.’ Anthropologists report that 90% of the people in the world kiss. So how does one gesture come to signify affection, celebration, grief, comfort and respect, world-wide ?


Anthropologists have yet to reach a consensus as to whether kissing is a learned or an instinctive behavior, but many believe it may be related to grooming behavior seen between other animals, or a result of mothers premasticating food for their children. After the babies learned to eat solid food, their mothers may have kissed them to comfort them or to show affection.

Bonobo apes, which are closely related to humans, kiss one another frequently. Regardless of sex or status within their social groups, bonobos kiss to reduce tension after disputes, to reassure one another, and to develop social bonds. Many mammals lick one another’s faces, and birds touch one another’s bills. In some cases, the animals are grooming one another rather than kissing, while others are smelling scent glands located on face or in mouth. In these manners, they’re often showing signs of trust and affection or developing social bonds.


Kissing allows prospective mates to smell and taste each other’s pheromones for biological compatibility. Women are subconsciously more attracted to men whose major complex portion of their genome is different from their own, leading to offspring with resistance to a greater number of diseases with a better chance of survival. This explains why couples are more likely to bond if they have the right ‘chemistry.’ A study at the University of Albany found that women use kissing as a tool to find the right father for their children and judge men exclusively on the quality of the first kiss they share.

Effects of Kissing

Romantic kissing affects most people profoundly. The Kinsey Institute describes a person’s response to kissing as a combination of 3 factors :

#1 - Psychological response depends on your mental and emotional state and how you feel about the person kissing you. Kissing someone you want to kiss will generally encourage feelings of attachment and affection.

#2 - Your body physically reacts to being kissed. Most people like to be touched, which is part of your body’s response to kissing. But kissing also affects everything from your blood to your brain.

#3 - The culture in which you grew up plays a big part in how you feel about kissing. In most Western societies, people are conditioned to, look forward to and enjoy kissing. The behavior of the people around you and other social factors can dramatically affect how you respond to being kissed.

When a mother kisses a child’s bruise to make it feel better, psychological, physical and social factors play a part in the reaction to both. The same is true when friends kiss as a greeting, worshippers kiss religious symbols or siblings kiss and make up after an argument. No matter the type of kiss, they have one thing in common — they inspire feelings we think of as positive.

Manner of Kisses and Culture


In modern Western culture, kissing is most commonly an expression of affection, unlike many parts of the world where kissing is viewed as a means of respecting others. In Middle Eastern countries till recent times, kissing was only considered proper when between 2 men, 2 women, or parents kissing their children. Kissing was not looked upon as a sexual expression in the Middle East.

In Eastern European countries up to recent times, kissing between 2 men on the lips as a greeting or a farewell was as normal as the modern Western handshake. This custom has nearly died out due to Western influence. In the past, kissing wasn’t considered sexual in Slavic and Muslim countries.

Between people of close acquaintance, a kiss, often reciprocal, is offered as a greeting or farewell. This kind of kiss is typically made by brief contact of puckered lips to the skin of the cheek or no contact at all and merely performed in the air near the cheek with the cheeks touching. This is a common greeting in European and Latin American countries between a man and a woman or between 2 women, but also by 2 men in parts of Europe, the Middle East and Latin America, such as Argentina. But in most Western societies it’s often more acceptable for women to kiss each other than men kissing each other.

People sometimes kiss children to comfort them or show affection, and vice versa, usually on the forehead or cheek.

As an expression of romantic affection or sexual desire, kissing involves two people pressing their lips together, usually with much more intensity, and for a considerably longer period of time.

Symbolic Kissing

A ‘blown’ kiss using actions of the hand and the mouth to convey affection, typically when parting or when the partners are physically distant but can see each other.

Asymmetry in Kissing

To avoid a clash of noses while kissing, couples often turn their faces slightly to one side, thereby orienting their heads at an angle with respect to each other. Writing in Nature, psychologist Onur Güntürkün observed couples kissing in public places such as airports and parks. His research demonstrated that by a 2:1 ratio the direction of turn is more frequently to the right than to the left.

The History of the Kiss

Historians don’t know much about the early history of kissing, but 4 Vedic Sanskrit texts written in India around 1500 B.C. appear to describe people kissing.

Kiss painted by Francesco Hayez in the 19th century. Prior the 19th century,kisses did not appear frequently in Western artwork.

The Indian poem “Mahabharata” describes kissing on the lips as a sign of affection. The “Mahabharata” was passed down verbally before being written down around 350 A.D. The Indian religious text “Vatsyayana Kamasutram,” or the “Kama Sutra,” also describes a variety of kisses, written in the 6th century A.D. Some anthropologists theorize that the Greeks learned about it when Alexander the Great invaded India in 326 B.C.

There aren’t many records of kissing in the Western world until the days of the Roman Empire. Romans used kisses to greet friends and family members, citizens kissed their rulers’ hands, and people kissed their romantic partners. The Romans distinguished 3 different types of kisses :

Osculum — a friendship kiss on the cheek

Basium — a kiss of affection on the lips

Savolium (or savium) — a lover’s deep kiss

The Romans also initiated several kissing traditions that have lasted to the present day. Couples became betrothed by kissing passionately in front of a group of people, which is likely why modern couples kiss at the end of wedding ceremonies. Kisses were used to seal legal and business agreements, and as part of political campaigns.

Christians often greeted one another with an ‘osculum pacis,’ or holy kiss. Tradition claimed the holy kiss caused a transfer of spirit between the two people kissing. Most researchers believe the purpose of this kiss was to establish familial bonds between the members of the church and to strengthen the community.

The Protestant Reformation removed the kiss from Protestant services entirely in the 1500’s. The holy kiss doesn’t typically play a role in modern Christian religious services, although some Christians do kiss religious symbols, including the Pope’s ring.

Until the 1400s, kissing under mistletoe was a major commitment, often meaning that a couple was engaged.

At the Diocleia festival at Megara in honour of Diocles, lover of Philolaus, a kissing contest was held in which boys would kiss a male judge, who awarded a laurel wreath to the boy he deemed the best kisser.

In the gospels, Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss on the cheek shortly before his crucifixion in the Garden of Gethsemane — a subversive use of the kiss.

Anatomy of a Kiss

Kissing is a complex behavior that requires significant muscular coordination — in fact, a total of 20 muscles working cooperatively. The most important muscle involved is the orbicularis oris — known as the kissing muscle — which runs around the outside of your mouth and used to pucker the lips. The tongue can also be an important part of the kiss.

About two-thirds of people tip their heads to the right while kissing. Scientists believe this preference starts before we’re born, when we tip our heads to the right in the womb. So muscles in your head, neck and shoulders tilt your head so your nose doesn’t collide with your partner’s nose.

Sensations involved in kissing aren’t confined to the mouth. Your facial nerve carries impulses between your brain and the muscles and skin in your face and tongue. While you kiss, it carries messages from your lips, tongue and face to your brain to tell it what’s going on. Your brain responds by ordering your body to produce :

• Oxytocin - which helps people develop feelings of attachment, devotion and affection for one another

• Dopamine - which plays a role in the brain’s processing of emotions, pleasure and pain

• Serotonin - which affects a person’s mood and feelings

• Adrenaline - which increases heart rate and plays a role in your body’s fight-or-flight response

When you kiss, these hormones and neurotransmitters rush through your body. Along with natural endorphins, they produce the euphoria most people feel during a good kiss. Your heart rate increases and your blood vessels dilate, so your entire body receives more oxygen than normal. You can also smell the person you’re kissing, and researchers have demonstrated a connection between smells and emotions.

World Records

The longest recorded kiss took place in New York City on December 5, 2001, between Louisa Almedovar and Rich Langley, lasting 30 hours, 59 minutes and 27 seconds.

The world record for the largest group kiss was set on July 22nd 2007 in Weston-Super-Mare at Channel 4’s T4 on the Beach. More than 32,000 people kissed for 20 seconds, smashing the previous record set in France by over 30,000 people.

On September 1, 2007, 6980 couples kissed for 10 seconds in Tuzla, Bosnia breaking the previous Guinness World Kissing Records of the Philippines and Hungary. The record currently awaits official certification.

The longest onscreen kiss was performed by Gregory Smith and Stephanie Sherrin in the 2005 film Kids in America which lasted just over 6 minutes.

Thanks for Reading

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Living with the same partner for a long time can become stable and comfortable, and, as a result, can also kill the spark that made your relationship so special in the first place. Learn more over here.

50 Simple & Inexpensive Ways to Be Romantic - Part #2

50 Simple & Inexpensive Ways to Be Romantic
- Part #2

Now, here's the second part of 50 Simple & Inexpensive Ways to be Romantic. I hope you like the first part of 25 romantic ways. Enjoy reading and have fun.

#26 - Place an ad in the classifieds declaring your love. Then take the newspaper, wrap it in a bow, and put a little note on it saying what page to look on.

#27 - Blindfold surprise. Blindfold your partner and drive them to the place where you had your first date, and have that date all over again !

#28 - Write a love poem for her.

#29 - Make an early valentine. Cut out some paper in the shape of a heart. Write something sweet on it in red and put it in her purse or his briefcase.

#30 - If your partner is going on a business trip secretly hide a love note inside their luggage.

#31 - Offer to help them with some dreaded chore they must complete and make it into a fun time maybe with some music. ( cleaning out the basement, raking the leaves, shoveling after a big snow storm, giving the dog a bath, washing the car, etc ... )

#32 - Do something romantic and spontaneous, like picking a flower and giving it to her right on the spot.

#33 - Invent a meal and name it after him or her.

#34 - Buy some body paint and write your love message on your body.

#35 - Record yourself reading a romantic love poem for your honey. Then give your partner a CD and tell them to play it in the car on their way to work.

#36 - Make a small postcard sized love collage. Then cover it with clear packing tape. Write a love message on the other side and mail it !

#37 - Keep a box with mementos of fun things you’ve done together. Later when the box is filled, arrange them on a board and have it framed.

#38 - Buy some underwear with special messages on it. Or buy your own and paint a special picture or message with fabric paints.

#39 - Make a donation to charity in the name of your love for your partner. Give your sweetheart a card that tells how grateful you are to share your life with her.

#40 - Keep a box with special cards, letters, photographs, and other mementos. On your anniversary or on Valentine’s day take a little time to share fond memories together as you review the contents.

#41 - Create a mindmap of all the things you love about your partner and make it into a card.

#42 - Take a walk on the beach together. Run up ahead and write a message in the sand, and then call your partner to see what you “found.”

#43 - Say “I love you” often, slowly, and with feeling.

#44 - Play hooky together. You work hard. Now today take a day to work easy at just sharing some fun time together. Call it an “I love you day.”

#45 - Send an e-card to your sweetie to brighten his day. Here are free e-card resources : Apple iCards, BlueMountain, Hallmark.

#46 - Make little “I love you” posters with either crayons, markers, collage, paint, whatever. Post them in surprising places : the bathroom, the closet, the car, under her pillow, on her pillow.

#47 - Create a small website or blog dedicated to your partner. Write a short love message each day for a month ... or forever.

#48 - Complete that chore or favor that your partner has wanted you to do for a long time.

#49 - Be super kind for a whole day. Act like you would with a new love, a child, or a frail person. Show lots of kindness, generosity, and love no matter what for a whole day.

#50 - Take an interest in your partner’s interests. For a woman it might be watching a football game with your guy. And for men it might be going to see a chick-flick.

Do it with a spirit of enthusiasm and love. Have fun. Print this out and do one each day. Make up your own. You don’t have to tell your partner that this is something you are doing. Just do it. Who knows, maybe you’ll establish a positive habit of expressing your love on a daily basis.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : One of the biggest challenges couples in long-term relationships face is trying to keep their lovemaking red, hot and steamy. Early on in a relationship, the passion and newness of your lovemaking is always unforgettable; but, as that initial magic fades, it becomes harder to make things exciting again. Learn more over here ...

50 Simple & Inexpensive Ways to Be Romantic - Part #1

50 Simple & Inexpensive Ways to Be Romantic
- Part #1

Here are a list of 50 inexpensive things you can do to express your love. If things aren’t going well between the both of you, then this list may help mend the problems. But if things are going great for both of you, then this list will be icing on the cake. Since they are not expensive in any way, there is no excuse not to give this a shot.

#1 - Write ‘I Love You’ in the steam of the bathroom mirror right after his shower.

#2 - Offer to give a massage with a good smelling lotion

#3 - Write a poem and translate with Google Translator into French or Italian and hand written it out with the translation at the back. Better yet, read the poem to them and then hand them the translation.

#4 - While in public, declare ‘I Love You, Your partner name’

#5 - Make a CD with a compilations of a few songs that are meaningful to the relationship.

#6 - Invite him to take a bath complete with bubbles, champagne, candles, and maybe a little Barry White. ( the music, not actually Barry White in your tub. )

#7 - Surprise her at work and take her out to lunch, maybe take-out food in the park or maybe to a little diner, for a midday romantic interlude.

#8 - Put together a little gift on his pillow : chocolate and a note that says “Your love is like chocolate : sweet and delicious.”

#9 - If your partner has a work presentation at an off site location, have flowers and a note of support delivered there.

#10 - Dedicate a song to him on the radio and send him an email telling him when to listen.

#11 - Cook a special love meal of your partner’s favorite foods. Play his favorite music and turn the lights low for a romantic dinner.

#12 - Give your partner a pedicure and foot rub.

#13 - Send a text message or email that says “I love you !”

#14 - Mail a card and inside write down the top 10 things you love about your partner.

#15 - Give him a picture of you for his wallet that says “I love you.”

#16 - Leave a love note in her car telling her to have a great day.

#17 - Carve your initials in a tree.

#18 - When your partner least expects it, give him a great big kiss, even if it’s in public !

#19 - Go see a romantic movie, sit in the back row, hold hands, and cuddle.

#20 - King for a Day / Queen for a Day. Declare that you will dedicate a particular day just to your partner to do whatever they want. Maybe start with breakfast in bed.

#21 - Buy a tree and invite your partner to plant it with you explaining that this tree represents the love between you both that will grow over the years.

#22 - In the midst of talking about how your days went, the chores that need to be done, etc. interrupt and say “I have something important to tell you. I love you and here’s why.” Then list 5 things ( or more ) that you really appreciate about your partner. Finish with a kiss and say, “Ok, so you were talking about the water heater.”

#23 - Write an old fashioned love letter and mail it. Be romantic and lavish. Have some fun with it.

#24 - Before going to a party together come up with some secret code words you can use during conversation. You can be telling each other “I can’t wait to get you alone tonight !” without anyone knowing !

#25 - Find a hotel that has a jacuzzi and book it for a one night getaway somewhere close but fun.

There you go. Digest these tips and try it out on your partner over the weekend. Print this out and do one each day. Make up your own. You don’t have to tell your partner that this is something you are doing. Just do it. Who knows, maybe you’ll establish a positive habit of expressing your love on a daily basis.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : One of the biggest challenges couples in long-term relationships face is trying to keep their lovemaking red, hot and steamy. Early on in a relationship, the passion and newness of your lovemaking is always unforgettable; but, as that initial magic fades, it becomes harder to make things exciting again. Learn more over here ...

Theater Systems Are No Longer the Sole Domain of the Audiopiles

Theater Systems Are No Longer the Sole Domain of the Audiopiles

To some, home theater is simply a "Big Television", but a home theater is really a combination of video and audio components that achieves a theater-like experience. Many people view home theater systems as a luxury. However, home theater is not just for audiophiles anymore.

There are many simple home theater systems that are easy to set up. Home Theater is quickly growing hobby and the results that you can achieve even with a modest budget are quite remarkable.

DVD players are a "must have" in any home theater system. You may prefer an all-in-one DVD home theater system. This way, you don't have to unplug your main DVD player from your current home theater system. High definition DVD is growing in popularity, so find out whether it's time to buy HD-DVD or whether you should wait for the next generation. All DVD players also play audio CDs, so you can have a single component do the work of two units.

Speakers are the heart and soul of any sound system. Any audiophile will admit that a good set of speakers is what makes or breaks a quality home theater setup. Good speakers don't have to cost a bundle, though it is easy to spend a lot. Audio/Video Receiver Speakers give you the most flexibility and full range of sound for surround sound home theater and music, as well as stereo audio.

Speakers vary a great deal in performance, as well as price. Good speakers and the components for a home-theater system cost less than ever. Determine what you can spend for speakers and then search out the best possible home theater speaker collection that will fit your spending limits. Wireless surround speakers are now available as well and save the hassle of running all of the wires through your home theater room.

A simple home theater is easy to set up, making home theater systems not just for audiophiles anymore. The future of home theater is going to be simplicity. These systems are becoming increasingly popular and are a great alternative to a night at the cinema.

Thanks for Reading,
Best Regards

Wingcent Ning

Teaching Your Dog to Sit and Fetch

Teaching Your Dog to Sit and Fetch

Here are some dog training tip for you ...

Dog training is a must for all dogs. Dog training is more than just telling your dog to stop doing what he's doing, it is the process of teaching a dog to exhibit certain desired dog behavior in specific circumstances. Proper dog training is not a "quick fix" - it is an ongoing, life-long process. Behavior dog training is very important in today's society because many people take their dogs every where they go.

All dog training is not created equal. Positive dog training is quickly becoming the preferred method of dog training. This method of training is possible for just about every young dog.

Dog training is more than just training your dog, it involves teaching the owner. Going through dog training is something every dog owner should do. Dog training is like going to school all over again. Training is all about communication, and you need to learn to communicate with your dog. I once was told that 90% of dog training is teaching the owners.

One of the basic obedience training points relevant in this regard is teaching your dog to sit on command. Training your dog to "sit" is probably the first thing you will train your dog to do. To start the training: say "sit" while gently pressing her rump down and holding a treat above your dog's head. When a dog is forced to look upward, he will automatically sit on his hind legs.

When you want your dog to sit, hold a treat a bit above her head and say "sit". As the dog sits, say "sit" again and then immediately give him the treat. Your dog should drop into a 'sit' position in order to reach the food.

One of my favorite commands to teach my dogs is "fetch". Teaching your dog to fetch promotes bonding and is a great way to give your dog some exercise. To do this, first throw a ball ( not too far though ), and give the command "Fetch". As he inevitably starts to run towards it, yell "fetch" again. Instead of a ball, you could use the object your dog loves most, as this makes him want to fetch it. Do not play fetch with heavy items or sticks, however, as this can damage the dog's teeth or otherwise injure the dog.

A well trained dog should remain where his or her owner commands, so stay is an important command in dog training as well. Since it is more involved, that will be the subject of another article.

The most basic of dog training is to get your dog to sit, stay and fetch. As I said before, proper dog training is not a "quick fix" : it is an ongoing, life-long process. Dog training is a very physical activity, so be prepared to be tired. And dog training is never without risk of injury, either, especially with more aggressive breeds.

That said, dog training is certainly a must for all dogs. One major mistake many pet owners make is to assume that the dog training is over. Training your dog continues throughout your dog's life. It's all about communication.

Dog training is definitely not rocket science and is easier than you would expect, especially if you can get help from a good dog training guide or book.

Thanks for Reading,
Best Regards

Wingcent Ning