Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Special Gift Idea - Your Very Own Ant Farm !

Special Gift Idea - Your Very Own Ant Farm !

What : A hobby popular in Europe, Japan and US. The breeding & keeping of ants.

Many people consider the ant - a pest before thinking of them - as pets. Ants are a big part of ecology and anyone wanting to take the time to build an ant farm soon realizes the socialization of these insects and the role they play.

Ant Workshop determines to help more people understand the importance of how such small creatures can play a big part in many of the world’s ecosystems. With a variety of products such as their newly created and innovative Ant Legend and Ant Dreamworks, they plan to educate both kids and adults about the lifestyles of these small creatures that stealthily but surely form a marvelous insect world.

For an affordable price, Ant Workshop will allow people of all ages to improve their concentration and observation skills, cultivating and developing a healthy interest not only in insects but also the many other parts of nature. It will be especially beneficial to children, encouraging them to learn more about the world they live in, as well as enlarging their pool of knowledge.

One may even be able to discover one’s potential in the process of studying these insects and continue to build on it. Adults will also definitely derive the same amount of enjoyment as children has and gives one the opportunity to escape the daily stress and pressure accumulating on one’s shoulders as one studies and watches in awe how the ants go about their daily business.

With no hassle in feeding or grooming due to the specially created blue gel formulated by Ant Workshop which already contains important multi-nutrients required for the survival of ants, it becomes very convenient to own these great pets. Hence it is very ideal for those who desire a pet who is constantly busy ( with the exception of destroying objects around the house ), thus does not require a lot of attention and does not need to be escorted out of the house for a poo or even needing to be toilet-trained !

Though because of such factors they are so much more convenient, they become less of a companion, but more of a source of fascination at the marvelous achievements of these small creatures. The bottom line is, ants are relatively easy to look after and cheap to feed, compared to other pets such as dogs which have to be effectively trained and well groomed.

While keeping ants have their own benefits over having other pets such as dogs and cats, one may find this peculiar. Contrary to what these people believe, the keeping of ants as pets is becoming more and more of a hobby in Europe.

Some other people may argue that keeping ants may not give one the same satisfaction as one derives from keeping dogs or cats but bear in mind that although ants are meant to be observed and not petted, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t fun to have. They play with each other, work together to carry objects much larger than themselves, and create intriguing tunnel systems.

One of the best things about ants is that you can literally have hundreds of them all living in a little tank right in your bedroom ; your own little civilization, and Ant Workshop is proud to make that happen !!

Do you have a question regarding Ant for pet ? Ask them !

Where : 304, Orchard Road, #03-52 Lucky Plaza, Singapore 238863
When : Mon – Fri 10am – 6pm, Sat 10am – 4pm, Sun 10am – 2pm

Thanks for Reading

Wingcent Ning

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