Saturday, December 6, 2008

Is Investing Really Risky ?

Is Investing Really Risky ?

Is it really true that investing is risky ? The answer is ... it depends. The risk in an activity very much depends on the level of competence of the person doing that activity.

For example, is it risky to drive a car ?

Well, if you have never gone for any driving lessons and have no idea how to read road signs, engage the gears or to use your side-view mirrors, then there is a high chance that you could get yourself badly hurt or even killed.

However, if you have a thorough understanding of how to drive well, then driving is a low risk activity.

Similarly, investing is risky when you don't know what you are doing. The scary thing is that the majority of people who invest their hard earned money in the stock market do not know what they are doing.

Many people who buy shares of companies have little or no knowledge of how to invest. They are like that driver who has no clue about how to work the gears or the rules of the road. This is because you do not need to take a license or be qualified to be an investor. Just about anybody can do it !

Most amateur investors do not even have a basic understanding of the economic cycle and how interest rates and oil prices affect the global economy & the stock market.

They have no clue as to where and how to read financial reports that will impact the stock markets. Most have very little financial & accounting knowledge and do not know how to value the worth of the company's shares they are buying.

In fact, i am often shocked when i hear of people who invest in a company without even understanding what business the company is involved in, let alone understand the company's business strategy.

In the highway of investing, over 70% of investors ( mostly the general public ) are driving around without the basic skills of motoring ! This is why many of them crash and burn their hard earned money.

For the majority of people out there with little financial competence, investing is truly high risk and maybe high return ( depends a lot on blind luck ). To me these people are not investors but gamblers.

For such people, i would strongly advise them to learn how to drive or to leave their money in the bank or under their pillow !

When you have a thorough understanding of the stock market & the rules of investing, then investing is no longer risky ! When you know exactly what you are doing, you can achieve extremely high returns, with very low risk !

To your investing success,
Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : To find out more the Secrets Of Millionaire Investors and how you can build a million-dollar net worth by investing in the stock markets, simply visit here ...

What Is Neuro Linguistic Programming Actually ?

What Is Neuro Linguistic Programming Actually ?

NLP is basically a science of how you take charge of your life and how do you use the language of your mind to program your nervous system to consistently produce a fantastic result.

Before we begin, i want to say thanks to Adam Khoo and Stuart Tan, having the opportunity to learn the most powerful and relevant of NLP, that enabled us to create excellence in out own lives and the lives of many people around us.

The first thing i learned in NLP was the power of my beliefs. The beliefs that determine what we will or will not do in our lives. And again, the trouble with me at that time was used to believe i was slow, i used to believe I was stupid, I used to believe that no one will like me and that prevented me from really expanding my potential.

"It is nothing but the beliefs and before your life changes you got to change your belief."

In other words, all of us have got the basically same kind of brainpower, same hardware. If it's possible for someone, it's possible for you." So my teacher came up to me at that time and said this, "if someone can be in the gifted program, and so can you."

Now, because of i was pretty young and pretty naive, i bought the idea and i actually believed him. But you know as well as i do by changing beliefs by itself is not going to work. You cannot sit down there and believe that, you know, "I'm smart" and "I'm rich"and you become rich. That does not happen. But what beliefs do is beliefs open up the possibility for you to find a way to get it done.

For example, if every morning, someone can wake up at 6 a.m. and feel completely motivated, it is because they produce that specific result. If we can program our nervous system in the same way, we can produce the same result through language and it is the language of the mind, not just language of the words. And using this technology, we begin to take charge of virtually every area of our lives.

We begin to produce exceptional results within a very short period of time, and that is the magic of what this technology is all about.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : To find out how you can use Neuro-Linguistic Programming to take charge of your life, visit the Patterns Of Excellence now.

You Have All the Resources You Need to Succeed !

You Have All the Resources You Need to Succeed !

I just want to impress upon you that whatever goal you set yourself to achieve, you already have all the resources you need right now at your disposal.

You see most people place their own limits on what they can achieve in life simply because they don't believe they have what it takes.

People believe that they're not smart enough, or had enough education or know the right people to become successful. Even worse, some people believe that they don't deserve success at all.

You have all the resources you need because all of us have the same brain and neurological setup. If it's possible for someone else, it's also possible for you. It's only a question of strategy.

The truth is you deserve to become successful because you were put here to create value in your life and in others as well. And to me wealth is just a reflection of how much value you create.

That is why a CEO gets paid more than a middle manager, simply because he creates more value. Or a brain surgeon creates more value than a general practitioner.

Focus on creating more value in your life, in your job or business and you will start to see more success and wealth flow into your life.

The sad fact is that most people never learn this. Instead of focusing on positive activities to create more value, most people blame and give excuses for the circumstance in their lives.

Yes, you cannot control every single thing that happens to you. But you can control how you respond to it. And that's the crucial difference between winners and losers.

All of us want to be successful and financially free but most people don't know where to start and so they put off their dreams for another day and another day and another day.

It's a question of when are you going to start building your dream because only YOU owe it to yourself to make it happen now. No one else does.

If that makes a lot of good sense to you, then make your dream happen and take charge of you financial future today.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !
Wingcent Ning

P.S. : To find out more the Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires and how you can build a million-dollar net worth starting fromscratch, simply visit here ...

How to Take Consistent Action to Achieve Success

How to Take Consistent Action to Achieve Success

Consistent action is what separates the thinkers or dreamers from the doers.

Many highly educated people know what to do, they think they know how to do it, but they never do anything about it. That is why many of them end up as professionals and consultants, working for successful entrepreneurs who had mediocre grades in school.

Fine, if that's what they want in life, nothing wrong as long as they are fulfilled.

But if you are not satisfied with your status quo, then DO something about it.

Do you know someone who may be less talented and intelligent than you are but is a lot more successful ? Have you ever asked yourself, 'I know I am better than they are, but why are they so much more successful ?'

Well, you may be smarter, but they take a lot more action and that is why they get a lot more results ! And one of the actions they take may well mean their learning rapport/social building skills and team work skills, all necessary tools for any kind of success.

So why do so many intelligent people fail to take consistent action towards their goals ?

Well, first understand that what drives our actions are the emotional states that we experience. Emotions like fear, inertia, anxiety and uncertainty paralyze us from taking action. On the other hand emotions like enthusiasm, motivation and confidence excite us and get us to make things happen.

The ability to direct and manage your states for peak performance is what is called Personal Mastery.

Many people seem to brim over with great ideas and they have the intelligence to be successful, but they lack the personal mastery to direct their emotions into getting them to take action.

They may have a great business idea, but their fear holds them back. They may set inspiring new goals, but they lack the motivation to do what it takes. They may even get themselves to take action initially, but stop once they experience frustration or anxiety.

Learn to be in control of your emotional states and you will overcome feelings of fear, anxiety and procrastination and this will propel you forward to take massive action to achieve your goals.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : If You Are Ready To End Your Confusion About How True Lifetime Success Is Created And Discover The Secret That Will Guarantee The Success You Deserve In Life, Simply Visit Success With NLP.

The Four Levels of Wealth

The Four Levels of Wealth

There are basically four levels of wealth you must aim to attain.

Level 1 : Financial Stability

The first level of wealth is known as Financial Stability. This is the most basic level of wealth that you must first attain.

You have achieved Financial Stability when :

1. ) You have accumulated enough liquid assets to cover your current expenses for a minimum of six months.

2. ) In addition, you have life and hospitalization insurance to protect you and/or your family's lifestyle should you be permanently disabled, unable to work or if you pass away suddenly.

When you have attained this first level, you will have the peace of mind that should any unexpected challenges befall you ( like retrenchment, business failure, pay cut, death or disability ), you and your family's lifestyle will not be compromised. Or worse, you or your family will not slide into debt.

Once you have achieved this, you must then aim to achieve ...

Level 2 : Financial Security

You have achieved Financial Security when you have through the investment of time, money and ideas, accumulated a critical amount of Positive Cash Flow Assets that generate enough passive income to cover your MOST BASIC expenses.

In other words, when you reach this level, you can stop working and maintain a very basic lifestyle. It also means that if you continue working, all your active income can be channeled towards your investments and this will further compound your assets and increase your income streams.

Of course, we shouldn't be satisfied at being at this level. Once accomplished, you must then aim to go for ...

Level 3 : Financial Freedom

Many of us have heard of the dream of achieving Financial Freedom but what does it really mean ?

Well, Financial Freedom is when you have through the investment of time, money and ideas, accumulated a critical amount of Positive Cash Flow Assets that generate enough passive income to sustain your CURRENT LIFESTYLE.

When you reach this level of Financial Freedom, you can choose to stop working and still maintain your current standard of living ... indefinitely !

In reality, most people who achieve Financial Freedom love their work so much that they continue working not because they have to, but because they choose to. That is a great feeling to have ... being free of financial pressure & worries and working purely out of passion !

Obviously, the more expenses you have now, the more luxurious and indulgent your standard of living, the longer it will take for you to achieve Financial Freedom.

So besides increasing your passive income, reducing your unnecessary/frivolous expenses will accelerate your way towards this fourth level. Finally, you must aim to achieve ...

Level 4 : Financial Abundance

So what is the ultimate level of wealth you can achieve ? Financial Abundance is when you have through the investment of time, money and ideas, accumulated a critical amount of Positive Cash Flow Assets that generate enough passive income to sustain your DESIRED LIFESTYLE.

Your desired lifestyle is the amount of monthly expenses it will take for you to live the life of your dreams. This is totally subjective depending on the lifestyle that you desire.

If your desired lifestyle is to live in a 20,000 square-feet bungalow with a swimming pool, send your kids to the best schools and drive a Mercedes Benz S-Class, then you could be looking at a monthly lifestyle that'll cost a cool $50,000.

Of course the more luxurious your desired lifestyle, the longer it will take for you to achieve financial abundance.

The moment you reach the level of Financial Abundance, you will be able to choose to stop working and live your dream lifestyle indefinitely.

Again, most people who do reach this level usually love what they do so much that they keep on working for fun, channeling 100% of their active income towards charitable causes and further compounding their wealth.

With the right strategies and plans in place, you too will be able to achieve this ultimate level of wealth.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Discover The Exact Methods You Need To Create Financial Success ... Without Having To Turn Your Life Upside Down To Get It ! Get The Millionaire-Book here ...