Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Art of Body Language

The Art of Body Language

Body language is a powerful communication tool. Someone who knows how to read them sees intentions more clearly than words can do. Women are better used to this language than men and they do it quite skilfully.

The more eye contact the woman makes with the target, the more she shows interest. When the woman looks at the man directly, and the man catches her doing it, she will lower her eyes and smile indicating interest, happiness and embarrassment that he caught her stare. This is a sure sign of attraction.

Conversely, if a man looks at the woman, and she looks away or any some other things like ceiling and walls, that is a definite sign of disinterest. It’s good to know that eye movements show a lot.

The hands can send various clear messages. Hands open convey that the woman is open to him. Starting any conversation will be good. She may also touch him “accidentally” to convey interest. Psychology can help us get deeper into that. On the other hand, hands which are closed or not shown, shows signs of lack of interest.

As we know, posture conveys a lot about a person. An open posture shows that the person is comfortable in his/her own skin and is an open person. Turning towards the man she is talking with and leaning forward shows interest. She may also cross then uncross her legs, tilt her head slightly. These, too, are signs of interest. If she crosses her arms, hold her drink high in front of her or turns her body away, it’s time to move on because it shows either insecurity of her or merely signs of certain disinterest.

A good way to build rapport is to mirror the other person’s body movements. By doing so, we are trying to sync with the other person, and make us feel like we are similar. This is a good way to build attraction, because the person will feel close to you. As mentioned above, good eye contact is necessary. But avoid fidgety movements because it shows insecurity.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

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