Friday, November 21, 2008

Is it Possible to Have a Relationship Without Sex ?

Is it Possible to Have a Relationship Without Sex ?

Let’s start with understanding what love is not. Well, it is not intimidation, abuse, harassment, manipulation, physical or emotional violence. It says in the bible that love is always kind and patient. Therefore, forcing someone to do something against her will is not love, it’s control. And the urge of being control is fear. The fear of being rejected or not getting something.

Actually, the opposite of love is not hate, its fear. When fear is present, love will not be possible because fear is there to block it. A lot of people are afraid to love because they are afraid of being hurt and disappointed. However, rejection will only hurt you if you reject yourself. If you start loving yourself unconditionally, then unrequited love will not affect you negatively because you will not dwell on it. You will quickly get over it and quickly find someone who will reciprocate your love.

Remember, your most important love relationship is with yourself. If you don’t love yourself, you are unlikely to love anyone else. So, start making peace yourself today and start loving yourself all over again.

Scientist have proven that falling in love is a chemical reaction. Hormones will create confusion in your body, that you believe that you have finally found your soulmate. Your heart rate will increases, you will blush and start shaking when he or she talks to you. You are unable to sleep at night and you can’t eat, which is great if you want to lose weight. Or maybe you do the opposite and suddenly become an emotional eater, stuffing yourself with alot of food so that you can put that person out of your mind, for at least awhile.

I would probably be easier to begin a relationship without being in love, because your emotions won’t wreck havoc and you can keep a clear head. This chaos is not always a nice feeling because it could bring to surface the insecurity, which can lead to pain and suffering. Being in love is actually a sexual feeling. We are attached to each other physically, which is common, since we are programmed that way.

However, if being in love means being in lust, then according to statistics, it doesn’t last very long. The feeling evaporates after a few years, The madness of ripping each other’s clothes off will become a memory, so is staying in bed all day making love.

It is actually possible to be in love without the element of sex. Platonic love can be intimate and affectionate, without being sexual. Much more than just physical attraction, love is about respecting and understanding each other. It is about trust and accepting the other person as they are.

Sure, you can fall in love instantly, but will it last ? Don’t you think love at first sight is an illusion, since I can only see what I see ? Then reality bite, I am in for a shock, this man or this woman who seem perfect 3 days ago have so many defects. And he or she is probably thinking the same about me. We are both disillusioned and now even the sex doesn’t keep us together anymore, as the physical passion have evaporated.

Love itself is a commitment. It grows overtime, especially when people are there for each other, where they will listen and understand each other. Communication is important. It is ok to have disagreements sometimes as long as it doesn’t degenerate into fights.

Dating someone you love like a friend means you’re compatible on more levels than just the physical one. True love is similar to friendship. The important thing is to establish trust and good communication. Sex is an added bonus, as it is the culmination of your love for each other. But even without sex, it is possible to have a relationship, as long as there is affection and true understanding, and a willingness to share.

A desire to give and receive love will lead us towards a satisfying relationship, in which commitment plays the biggest role. Sex is not compulsory. The main ingredients are trust, acceptance, understanding, respect and appreciation. These can be found in friendship as well, which is why friendship is the best foundation for true love.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah, Love Expert Reveals The 100 Secrets For You To Have a Happy, Blissful and Loving Relationship. Click here for your 100 Secrets.

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