Friday, November 21, 2008

7 Proven Ways To Make Your Man More Romantic

7 Proven Ways To Make Your Man More Romantic

Here are the 7 proven ways to make your man more romantic from now on.
Read on ...

1. ) Pick a time, probably after making love, and tell him that you want him to be more romantic in the future. It sounds dumb, I know, but why go around circles when you can just go direct ? If he loves you and want you to be happy, he will seriously consider to be more romantic in future, for you.

2. ) Reward him when he does something romantic. If he sent flowers gush over them and how thoughtful he is. men like to be told they have done well, and when you give them something special after they done something you like, they will continue to do it. That’s why they say men are like dogs - in a good way.

3. ) Send him a challenger. Point out what romantic things other guys are doing and see what happens. if you give them another man to compete with, they will constantly strive to outdo the other guy. Point out how amazingly romantic your friend’s boyfriend is, but don’t overdo it or he will get annoyed.

4. ) Do romantic things for him. Once he sees that you’re going out of your way to be romantic towards him, he will feel the urge to reciprocate.

5. ) Set up a romantic dinner each week. Once he have gone into the habit of doing romantic things like having a candle lit dinner, he will do it on his own without your supervision. But first, you must let him know your vision of romance.

6. ) Rent some romantic videos and point out what those men are doing that are romantic. Don’t have to get him to do the exact same thing but subtly point them out. he will eventually get your hint and start treating your romantically.

7. ) Convince him that being romantic does not make him any less of a man. Some guys think being romantic is not manly and isn’t something they want their friends to know about. Let him know that he doesn’t have to tell the guys he brought you flowers and took a bubble bath with you.

Thanks for Reading
Good Luck !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : Oprah, Love Expert Reveals The 100 Secrets For You To Have a Happy, Blissful and Loving Relationship. Click here for your 100 Secrets.

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