Saturday, December 6, 2008

How to Take Consistent Action to Achieve Success

How to Take Consistent Action to Achieve Success

Consistent action is what separates the thinkers or dreamers from the doers.

Many highly educated people know what to do, they think they know how to do it, but they never do anything about it. That is why many of them end up as professionals and consultants, working for successful entrepreneurs who had mediocre grades in school.

Fine, if that's what they want in life, nothing wrong as long as they are fulfilled.

But if you are not satisfied with your status quo, then DO something about it.

Do you know someone who may be less talented and intelligent than you are but is a lot more successful ? Have you ever asked yourself, 'I know I am better than they are, but why are they so much more successful ?'

Well, you may be smarter, but they take a lot more action and that is why they get a lot more results ! And one of the actions they take may well mean their learning rapport/social building skills and team work skills, all necessary tools for any kind of success.

So why do so many intelligent people fail to take consistent action towards their goals ?

Well, first understand that what drives our actions are the emotional states that we experience. Emotions like fear, inertia, anxiety and uncertainty paralyze us from taking action. On the other hand emotions like enthusiasm, motivation and confidence excite us and get us to make things happen.

The ability to direct and manage your states for peak performance is what is called Personal Mastery.

Many people seem to brim over with great ideas and they have the intelligence to be successful, but they lack the personal mastery to direct their emotions into getting them to take action.

They may have a great business idea, but their fear holds them back. They may set inspiring new goals, but they lack the motivation to do what it takes. They may even get themselves to take action initially, but stop once they experience frustration or anxiety.

Learn to be in control of your emotional states and you will overcome feelings of fear, anxiety and procrastination and this will propel you forward to take massive action to achieve your goals.

Thanks for reading ! If you know someone who could benefit from this, feel free to forward it to them !

Best Regards !

Wingcent Ning

P.S. : If You Are Ready To End Your Confusion About How True Lifetime Success Is Created And Discover The Secret That Will Guarantee The Success You Deserve In Life, Simply Visit Success With NLP.

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